
Most people in India never learned to floss. But flossing is critical to healthy gums and it’s never too late to start. A common rule of thumb says that any difficult new habit becomes second nature after only three weeks. If you have difficulty figuring out what to do, ask us at SmileMax Dentistry Dental Clinic to give you a personal lesson.

Here are a few general pointers about flossing:

  • Floss once a day — Although there is no research to recommend an optimum number of times to floss, most dentists recommend a thorough flossing at least once a day. If you tend to get food trapped between teeth, flossing more often can help remove it.
  • Take your time — Flossing requires a certain amount of dexterity and thought. Don’t rush.
  • Choose your own time — Although most people find that just before bed is an ideal time. Many oral health professionals recommend flossing any time that is most convenient to ensure that. you will continue to floss regularly. Choose a time during the day when you can floss without haste.
  • Don’t skimp on the floss —se as much as you need to clean both sides of every tooth with a fresh section of floss. In fact, you may need to floss one tooth several times (using fresh sections of floss) to remove all the food debris. Although there has been no research, some professionals think reusing sections of floss may redistribute bacteria. pulled off one tooth onto another tooth.
  • Choose the type that works best for you — There are many different types of floss: waxed and unwaxed, flavored and unflavored, ribbon and thread. Try different varieties before settling on one. People with teeth that are closely spaced will find that waxed floss slides more easily into the tight space. There are tougher shred-resistant varieties that work well for people with rough edges that tend to catch and rip floss.


Our next article will explain in detail the best way of flossing properly…. so follow us to keep yourself updated on oral hygiene.

To know more about flossing your teeth properly and keep them for a lifetime, meet Dr. Vimal Thareja MDS, at SmileMax Dental Clinic, Rani Bagh, Pitampura.
